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MeetMeNow LLC
The digyoo app ends "Nightlife Approach Anxiety"


The End of "Nightlife Approach Anxiety!"

Invest in MeetMeNow! and the digyoo app



Where does and how does the "just turned 21-year-old college student to 34-year-old singles demographic” meet the opposite sex if they are not having success meeting them in the normal daily course of life? 


I will cover how the model works for other demographics later in the Summary.


There are two major ways: New School and Old School!

New School: Internet Type-Dating


1. You know your potential match is single

2. You know in most cases their appearance because of pictures. You also have a listing of height/weight etc. and where they live, and you also have info on their interests, etc.

3. By liking/swiping you can see if there is mutual interest



1. Pictures could be misleading and not depict accurate physical appearance, weight and true age

2. Time elapses before actually meeting


Old School: Real World - in a Nightlife District Bar to Meet a Potential Love Interest


1. You see the potential mate in person with no potential physical appearance deception



1. You want to approach, but fear sets in, and your heart starts racing! Are they single? Do they live locally? Are they gay and you are straight? Will they like you if you approach, or will you get rejected!?!

To Summarize

With internet dating, you finally set up a date only to find out the person is extremely different in person – older/heavier/photo filters have misled etc. – it’s dating false advertising! You have also wasted weeks corresponding with messages/texts/phone calls that resulted in a non -match. That’s why in a lot of cases you still see people on these sites month after month, year after year. It just takes too much time between match and meet up. This won’t happen with our app.



Verdict: No Match Here!

In real-world dating  when you are at a nightlife district venue you approach a potential match and you find out they have a boyfriend/girlfriend, they are gay and you are straight, they live out of state and are just visiting a friend or worst of all - they have no interest in you!

Verdict: No Match Here!

So, with our app you will get the best of both worlds – all the advantages of New School and Old School without any of the disadvantages!


We Believe Our Model Solves Two Major Problems

1. Eliminates the Time Between an Internet Match and Meeting That Person

2. Eliminates Approach Anxiety As You Have Answers Before "The Approach”

Are they single? Do they live locally? Are they gay and you are straight? Will they like you if you approach, or will you get rejected?



How It Will Work:


Nine (9) Marketing Strategies, which I developed via trial and error and proved out over my twenty years owning nightclubs/restaurants/bars, will physically “drive” this singles demographic, on a constant and consistent basis, to 10,000 chosen potential nightlife districts across the US, saturating them with users who are looking to meet the opposite sex. These strategies, which will populate our app with users, are the key/“the secret sauce” to the model. If people are not meeting there is no success.


An Example...

Let’s take the example of Connor, who is a just-turned-21-year-old college student at Drew University in NJ.

Connor heads to the happening Morristown nightlife district minutes from campus on a Friday night. There are 24 packed bar/pubs in this seven and a half block radius. He starts at the Iron Bar. He opens up the digyoo app, which shows everyone in that bar with the app on and everyone that is at the other adjoining 23 bars – e.g. within ½  mile (or whatever radius you set) of your location in a Tinder type swipe-profile way. The app also has basic info about the person, including pictures. At least one close-up face and full body picture will be a requirement of the app. All pictures will be reviewed and must be tasteful and classy, or they will be rejected.


So Connor grabs a beer and starts swiping the app profiles of girls in the nightlife district. When he likes someone he swipes "digyoo" and when girls in the district like his profile they swipe "digyoo" on his profile. When there is a mutual "digyoo" Connor gets a ringtone text saying he has his first match of the night and she is actually at his location! Both will agree to pay the $1.99 charge - although initially girls will be free - and you get their profile and messaging capability. Connor then sends a message “where are you?” His match Emma replies, “Come over and say hi, I’m at the end of the bar by the DJ booth.” Boom! – potential connection ensues. Don’t like Emma?? Excuse yourself and turn on the app for others at the bar and in the nightlife district like a cute girl down the street at the Famished Frog who just mutually matched with you as you were chatting up Emma. Two, three, four dates in one night? Maybe, and all mutual!



It’s Match, Meet, Decide! 


It’s not Match, WAIT, Meet, Decide like with internet dating. That’s what our app will do!


Our app will combine all the advantages of online dating without the disadvantages and all the advantages of meeting in the real world but none of the disadvantages!


We believe we will be the best and only way to meet now and in the future!



Business Model


We will chose the most popular nightlife districts for each state – 10,000 plus nationwide, and we will target the “college-age just turned 21 year old to 34 year old” singles market – the demographic which floods these bar districts.


Moving forward we intend to build word-of-mouth quickly via social media as people successfully meet. 


As we build a presence in each district, the idea will be to eventually minimize/slash marketing costs. We plan to do this by gathering customer info with the free sign-up – email, cell number for text purposes, their Facebook profile, their college if applicable etc. so that we can contact them with promotions/special offers and/or reminders.  


Within three months after each district launch, the idea/goal is that if our users are going out they just turn on our app and see who is in their area to meet. 


Long-Term Expansion Model


Dating app companies like and OkCupid etc. have launched operations from their corporate offices/”ivory towers”and spent huge amounts on national advertising campaigns to build a customer base nationally over many, many years. We intend to be on-the-ground, bar-district to bar-district, state to state, building a user base and saturating each bar district with users who are successfully meeting people. We anticipate the word will spread rapidly to the college populations via social media that this is the new way to meet the opposite sex when going out on the town. This, we believe, will allow us to build a national presence in lightning speed and at a fraction of the cost of our competitors. As stated, as our customer base grows and word spreads we will eventually be in the position of not having to “drive” people to these districts, as user will just know to turn on the app when going out as there will be a multitude of other users doing the same. It is our estimation that, in the next five years, we will help to change the game of dating and the way the young market meets the opposite sex.


Expansion - Additional Markets


1. For the "non-bar" people in an older “34-plus” singles demographic, we will run a Mall Weekend where we use the same concept and similar marketing strategies, but “drive” people to the local Mall where they will have a chance to connect on our app with other singles there!


2. Single Dances – Another potential huge market for our app is the various local and national singles groups which generally focus on the 40-plus-year-old singles demographic. These groups - of which there are many nationwide - host weekly dances where hundreds of singles meet at dance venues like hotel bars/lounges or local clubs. Our app will allow their attendees to come to their events and know "who in the room wants to meet them" - thereby eliminating much of their member approach anxiety. We believe the result will be increased attendance and increased revenue for their events!


The possibilities for diversification are endless!


Once again, we believe our app will combine all the advantages of online dating without the possible disadvantages and all the advantages of meeting in the real world but none of the disadvantages! 

Morristown, NJ district on St. Pats Day. Lines of this size are common here on any Friday/Saturday night about 11pm.

Model Background

Model Background


I developed and perfected a prehistoric version of digyoo at the Restaurants/Bars I owned. With present day technology, we believe we will be able to bring it to the masses in every nightlife district in the world. How many more singles would end up meeting if they knew who in that nightlife district wanted to meet them when they are there?!? That's why we call our company MeetMeNow!


App Features

App Features


As people sign up at no cost, the app will become populated with profiles. The app will have profiles and GPS capability, which when turned on states where the person with a particular profile is. As they move from bar to bar, the GPS will update their location. 


The app will have sign-up features, a FAQ, a help section, and more, as well as the capability to take credit cards. When swiping, as profiles come up, it will say this person is:


50 feet away -  at your destination - (e.g. Iron Bar)

150 feet away  - (at George and Martha’s)

175 feet away  -  (at South Street Social etc.)


When there is a mutual match, both will get an immediate text saying “Confirm you want to meet your match by hitting "digyoo". Once BOTH hit the button, both are charged the $1.99 fee and get the match profile and messaging capability.

How Our Products Are Different From the Rest

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How Our Products Are Different From the Rest

The secret sauce here is based on our model that "drives" singles to nightlife districts. Once there, singles can see who wants to meet them by signing onto our app. 


To our knowledge, we have no other competition of which we're aware of that is even remotely similar to our business model. Because of this, we believe that we have the potential to be the biggest player in this space within the next 10 years. No other concept lets you know who wants to meet you when you are out enjoying nightlife! The stress of approach anxiety is eliminated!

Ready, Willing, and Able!

In our opinion, internet dating has a huge flaw, as weeks can go by before you actually meet your match. 


We intend for our marketing strategies to "drive" users to the nightlife districts who are RWA - Ready, Willing, and Able to meet right then! 


Another example of this difference is the new "feature" called "Missed Connections" that lets you know that a fellow user just passed your physical location.


"We don't consider a "Missed Connection" with a potential match a positive feature! We know the opposite to be true - a "Made Connection" with a physical meeting in the real world equals a much better user scenario than a "Missed Connection!" 




eHarmony Advice

From their FAQ on their site:


How long should you wait after a online match before meeting?


"While circumstances, distance and other factors all play a part, it’s reasonable to expect that after six weeks of regular online contact the subject of meeting in person will have been discussed."

Six Weeks?!?  Huge flaw that we have solved!


RWA does not exist with INTERNET DATING!


For Example:


So you just matched on with Madison, and she only lives 1/2 mile from your house. GREAT, right!?! No, actually! The problem is she is not RWA - Ready, Willing and Able - to meet right now! 


Madison is in her jammies on her couch, eating Ben and Jerry's and watching "Friends" reruns on her TV! Plus she is going to want to text, chat or talk before meeting, and her schedule is tight! Weeks go by before you actually meet! 


With "digyoo" it's swipe, match, and meet on the same night!

Our Market and Industry

Our Market and Industry

There are more single adults living, working, and yes, still breathing, in the United States than ever before in history. In 2020, the U.S. census reported 110.6 million singles over the age of 18—that’s 45.2 percent of the American adult population. See this observer article.


To previous generations, America’s single population might be seen as outrageous. In 1960, 72 percent of adults were married. Among today’s growing single population, 63 percent have never been married, 23 percent are divorced, and 13 percent are widowed. Of that staggering single population, the majority of which are living independently of their own accord, 53 percent of singles are women.


The age of US singles also continues to increase and as a result our customer base demographic has expanded. In 1960 the median age of men at first marriage was 22.8 and that has increased to 29.2 in 2015. In 1960 the median age of women at first marriage was 20.3 and that has increased to 27.1 in 2015. Estimated age of first marriage.

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40 million US singles used online dating websites in 2020.  9% of women report finding a relationship at a bar or club and only 2% of men has made a relationship through that scenario.


WHY?? We believe it is because of Approach anxiety!! We will seek to change that statistic dramatically and rapidly in the upcoming years as we eliminate approach anxiety!

Invest in Our Company Today!

Invest In Our Company Today!

With internet dating you finally set up a date and the person is extremely different in person. It’s dating false advertising! 


Per EHarmony:

53% of people lie on their online dating profile


Here's what we believe they're lying about:


20% of women surveyed by global research agency Opinion Matters admitted to using an older photo from when they were younger and thinner.



With internet dating, you have also wasted weeks corresponding with messages/texts/phone calls that resulted in a non-match. That’s why, in a lot of cases, you still see people on these sites month after month, year after year. It just takes too much time between match and meet up. This won’t happen with our app.



Verdict: No Match Here!

In real-world dating, you gather up the courage to approach a potential match in a happening nightlife district, and you find out they have a boyfriend/girlfriend, they are gay and you are straight, they live out-of-state and are just visiting a friend, or worst of all - they have no interest in you!! 

Verdict: No Match Here!


With our app you will get the best of both worlds – all the advantages and none of the disadvantages!

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Problems Solved by digyoo


1. Eliminates the time between an internet match and meeting that person. 

2. Eliminates approach anxiety in a nightlife district scenario, as you have answers before “the approach” to: 

  • Are they single? 

  • Do they live locally? 

  • Are they gay and you are straight?

  • Will they like you if you approach, or will you get rejected?

Meet Our Team


Frank Azzolino

CEO, Founder, and Manager


Frank is a NJ resident and a Villanova University grad with a BS degree who started his career in the financial segment as an Internal Auditor, Budget Analyst and Cost Analyst for United Way and University of Medicine and Dentistry in NJ. While working full time during the day Frank worked four nights a week managing the Stuft Shirt Restaurant in South Orange, NJ - one of the top revenue grossing Restaurants/Bars in NJ.


Frank fell in love with the hospitality industry and when the owner of the restaurant decided to buy a second Restaurant/Nightclub he asked Frank to be his partner and GM. They named the Dover, NJ restaurant Chitchat’s Restaurant and Nightclub. As the GM/main principal Frank was responsible for the total operation of the business. Duties included establishing financial expense controls, hiring/firing, employee scheduling, menu/drink creation and marketing/promotions.

Frank became the first business owner to bring Karaoke into NJ. He took over a business doing $6,900 a week and increased business to almost $21,000 a week in sixteen months. Three years later Frank sold his interest in the restaurant and opened a new restaurant – the Brewhaha Restaurant and Pub in Budd Lake, NJ and then Harmony, NJ. There Frank laid the groundwork for the MeetMeNow! concept where customers would pack Thursdays for Matchmaker Night!

Over time and much trial and error nine (9) marketing strategies would be developed which would be the foundation for our technology-advanced present business model. Frank sold his restaurant to work on the MeetMeNow! concept. Since the company is a pre-revenue start-up he then opened up and is the sole owner of Eastcoast School of Bartending, a NJ State Department of Education Approved Private Vocational School in Chester, NJ that provides Bartending State-Licensing on premise. The lessened demands that do not come with restaurant ownership have allowed him to focus almost solely on a concept that will change how people physically meet in “the real world!” - MeetMeNow!

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